Garden Flat-Monarch Way Station with Plan for a 4x10 ft area
Monarch Way Station Flats include 38 plugs of selected plants designed to enhance your landscape for Monarch butterflies along with a hand written suggested design. This kit contains 38 plants which are carefully selected to provide food sources for both monarch caterpillars and butterflies throughout the growing season. This kit also works well for a multitude of butterfly and moth species. Plants are 1” in diameter plugs. Species may include a combination of the following types of plants: butterfly weed, swamp milkweed, whorled milkweed, New England Aster, false boneset, grey headed coneflower, stiff goldenrod, bergamot, mountain mint, prairie blazing star, sky blue aster, black-eyed susan, and sand tickseed. Species diversity is chosen by the grower and varies from year to year.
Note: This is a separate sale from our tree and shrub sale, with a different order deadline and pickup day. Order deadline is May 2, pickup is May 21 from 12noon to 4pm.
Pickup Location: Location of pickup is the Berrien County Youth Fairgrounds, 9122 US Hwy 31, Berrien Springs, MI 49103. Use Office gate across from United Federal Credit Union. Do not use the Shawnee Road Entrance, use the US Hwy 31 Entrance.
No plant guarantees-Our liability for the viability of plant material ceases when plants are picked up.
Also, a select variety of plants in quarts will be available for purchase at that time-nursery choice. .